In my work Ichundichs (a collaboration with Marcus Sternbauer), I explore the idea of another self—but primarily, it is a performative representation. I missed this theatrical perspective, the ability to create another version of myself. So, I cloned myself using AI. I trained myself in such a way that I was able to generate a different version of me. This AI-generated Dilek looks almost like me, but it is not me. In the video, this digital version of Dilek comments on the other three versions of myself. It is confusing, theatrical, and ultimately revolves around a fundamental everyday question: Who am I today?
In my exhibition’s opening performance (BEING A LINE), however, the focus is not on my multiple selves but rather on us as social beings—our connections, our sense of proximity and distance. That’s why I chose a metaphorical representation: two performers are isolated. One is inside a glass cube, the other is beneath the floor. They are part of a dialogue, yet they cannot touch. This staging raises questions about the perception of closeness, distance, and our relationships within a space.